rootwoman lore
While visiting Sedona, Arizona in the fall of 1997, I was invited to a gathering at a local metaphysical bookstore - The Hub of the New Age Community. A kindly gentleman, Jananda Korsholm, and two very nice ladies were doing readings for those gathered. One of the ladies told me that in one of my previous lives, I was known as the rootwoman. She stated that while my knowledge of roots and herbs had been invaluable to those I helped, those in power had perceived me as a threat and put me to death for using my skills in ways not approved of by the religious and political leaders. Today, I would like to think we live in more enlightened times, and that I could use this marvelous electronic medium to share my knowledge about the lore of roots and herbs. But unfortunately, that is not the case. Beasts today wear different clothing. They cloak themselves in official sounding names like Food and Drug Administration or American Medical Association. While they may not be so bold as to burn me at the stake, they have the power and wherewithal to make my life quite uncomfortable. So........nothing on this web site should be construed as medical advice and I make no claims as to the effectiveness of any of the plants or minerals discussed. Do your own research, and always make certain you know what you are putting in or on your body. ~pale raven |
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